WorldWide novelty! EU patent! Solar Brise Soleil
Monday, 28 July 2014
Company Fibernet d.o.o. filed in 2013 for a EU patent as it is proven to be a worldwide novelty.
The basic idea of utilizing sunlight on southern sides of buildings is based on an existing system of brise-soleils which gets upgraded by solar modules in a way that enables shading of the building while simultaneously generating power on the same structure.
The system is intended for glass structures but can be used on a south side of any building. When solar modules follow the sun angle, their efficiency increases by 30%.
The foundation of the system is provided by the existing brise-soleils which are built up by solar modules, mounted on every second brise soleil. The brise-soleils are movable and follow the sun angle throughout the day.
The fact that every second brise-soleil in the system is individually steered is the specific feature of this system which helps avoid shading of the modules while the sun is in its highest position. Shading a solar module will result in lowering the module’s efficiency by up to 80%.
The system is managed by a computer programme which follows the sun path. In winter time, shading of the modules is prevented by moving the modules in vertical position. The same method of prevention can be used in case of heavy hailstorms. Using the same structure for cooling (shading) a building and for power production, this system is currently the only system that enables cost effective usage of solar energy on vertical façades.
Demo brise-soleils in natural size is installed in Fibernet business building in Slovenia, Ljubljana. If you are interested in this solution, please do not hesitate to contact our company at e mail: ales.lazar (at) or telephone +386 1 420 51 50.
- SolarBrisole-EN.pdf (PDF 1,802 kb)